杨勤看看昕画,昕画就笑着鼓励他,杨勤很爱音乐,可是对唱歌不在行,就选了一个美国乡村的,名字大家也叫不上来,倒是雯雯一听就知道了,就大声叫:”杨局长,你可是真行,这首歌可是经典。“还跟着哼,”Listen to the rhythm of the falling rain, Telling me just what a fool I“ve been. I wish that it would go and let me cry in vain, And let me be alone again. The only girl I”ve ever loved has gone away.……c Along with her she took my heart。“昕画也会唱这首歌,可是英语水平无法跟雯雯相比,就看了一眼雯雯,也大声的唱了起来,还上前拉着杨勤的手。卓骅看见了,就拉了一把雯雯,雯雯还在唱,卓骅就小声说:”有人吃醋了,你就别显摆了。“雯雯一伸舌头,就缩到卓骅身后。